Find peace and joy in life again.

Grief Counseling

Support for adults and couples.

In-person in Columbus & online throughout OH

Does life beyond your loss seem unimaginable?

Maybe you are shocked that you suddenly lost your son in a car accident, or perhaps you’re devastated that your mom died after a long battle with cancer.

Maybe you can’t shake the memories and images of their death, or simply are struggling to continue living your daily life without them. 

Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed by sadness, guilt, confusion, stress, and fear and do not know what to do.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

  • Struggling to have energy or motivation to work, complete tasks, or even do fun activities

  • Discovering that your relationships with your spouse, God, and others have suffered since your loss

  • Seeing little hope anymore in the world and in life

Grief Counseling can help.

It may feel impossible now, but you can experience relief from the pain of your loss. You can decrease your stress, fear, depression, and guilt and help others navigate their own grief when you process your own experience. You can find hope in life again and reestablish peace in your daily life and relationships. And I can help you get there.

What we’ll do together

Grief Counseling helps you do 3 things:


Experience a safe, compassionate place to share your story and clarify how your loss is impacting you.


Discover fresh perspectives about your loss and relationships.


Learn helpful coping tools and the healthy way to grieve, so you can experience hope and peace again while still missing your loved one.

I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances in our individual or couples session. My approach to Grief Counseling comes from a place of hope: believing that you can adjust to this new reality without your loved one and find hope and peace again.

It’s time to get the relief and peace that you need.

I can help you get there.

Common questions about Grief Counseling

  • Counseling sessions with me are conversational and approachable. I show from the very beginning kindness and respect to help you feel comfortable and safe, so you can open up and describe the pain of your loss and know you will receive compassion and validation. Some sessions are heavy as we explore the effects of your loss; others are light- hearted when you need a break from the grief and we joke that your life is like a meme or TikTok video. I want you to be yourself as I am my authentic therapist self. My counseling sessions are collaborative and I welcome your feedback and questions as we work together to help you find peace and adjust to life going forward.

    I like to start sessions with updates from you- how did the family gathering go? Were you able to visit the cemetery over the weekend like you hoped? Then we will dive into what is on your mind: for example, the details of your loss experience, the effects it has on your mental health and relationships, or your worries about how you will do with the upcoming holidays. We may also do some problem solving, such as planning for the death anniversary, and may even try an exercise in session. Finally, we will conclude our session by confirming our next appointment and, if faith is important to you, end with a personalized prayer just for you.

  • How long you need to be in grief counseling depends on your particular needs. Each loss experience is unique- your loss may have been expected or shocking, quick or drawn out. Additionally, every person responds to loss differently and you may need more or less time to find peace again. Some clients find it helpful to meet every 1-2 weeks for several months to a year; however, I do not want to be attached to a specific timeline. Grief is naturally fluid and unpredictable, so we will get a sense of how long you need my support and I will tailor the counseling process to meet your needs.

  • Grief Counseling may be a good fit for you if you are ready to no longer be alone and ready to tell the story of your loved one’s death and how that loss impacts you. You may be uncomfortable with your feelings and the future, but you are willing to face the discomfort in order to process your loss with professional guidance and get the help you need. You are willing to self-reflect and have an open mind to what you may learn in session about yourself, your experience, and coping with grief. And you’re ready to do what it takes in session and in your daily life to restore peace and hope in your life.

  • Contact me to schedule a free consultation! During that conversation, I will ask you to briefly describe your loss experience that brings you to counseling. After I confirm that I believe that I am a good fit for your needs, I will answer any questions or concerns that you may have about starting therapy with me, to make sure you are confident I am right for you! I will then ask for some additional basic information about you, confirm some logistical details, and confirm my current availability for scheduling. Finally, if we are both ready to start the process, we will schedule your first appointment and I will send you the necessary paperwork from my group counseling practice Spirit of Peace Clinical Counseling to complete before that appointment.