Find relief from the waves of hope and despair.

Therapy for Infertility

In-person in Columbus & online throughout OH

Support for adults and couples.

Is life with infertility becoming unmanageable?

Maybe you received yet another negative pregnancy test and are uncertain what is the next step in treatment, or perhaps you just found out that yet another family member or friend is pregnant but not you after years of trying to conceive.

You may be suffering through the holidays or family gatherings, or simply struggling to get by day after day, month after month. 

Perhaps you’re feeling trapped, overwhelmed, worthless, fearful, or lost on the roller coaster of infertility and don’t know what to do.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

  • Struggling to stay focused and productive at work

  • Experiencing tension with or distance from your spouse, God, or other relationships

  • Finding little joy in the activities that once made you feel happy

Therapy for Infertility can help.

It may feel impossible now, but you can find peace, joy, and hope again. You can feel more in control of your emotions and less overwhelmed by the uncertainty of your future. You can reconnect with your spouse and God and be more present in your daily life.  And I can help you get there.

What we’ll do together

Therapy for Infertility helps you do 3 things:


Identify and clarify how infertility is impacting your mental health and be seen in your pain.


Discover fresh perspectives about your fertility journey.


Learn the tools that will help you manage the difficult ups and downs of infertility, so you can rediscover peace in your life and relationships.

I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances in our individual or couples sessions. My approach to therapy for infertility comes from a place of hope: believing that with support, you and your spouse can experience relief and be prepared for future challenges as well as future joys.

Feeling overwhelmed by infertility and fearful of the future don’t have to be your story.

I can help you get there.

Common questions about therapy for infertility

  • Therapy sessions with me are relaxed and conversational. No need for formality here- you can be yourself and I will be my authentic therapist self as we journey through your dark infertility moments. Some sessions are heavy, but there are other times when you need a laugh and we joke about how the University of Michigan still sucks. My infertility therapy sessions are collaborative and I welcome your feedback and questions. I show genuine care and respect for you in session to help you feel comfortable as we work together to achieve your goal of experiencing relief.

    I like to start sessions with updates since your last session- how was Seattle? Did you get your most recent fertility test results back yet? Then we spend much of session talking about what is on your mind: your experiences with infertility, other stressors or joys, or how you are doing. We may do some problem solving, exploring various ideas and coping tools, and may even try an exercise in session. Finally, we will wrap up our conversation by confirming our next appointment and, if faith is important to you, closing with a personalized prayer just for you.

  • How long you need to be in therapy for infertility depends on your particular infertility journey and individual needs. Many of my clients find that ongoing counseling every 1-2 weeks is helpful when the ups and downs of infertility continue without an end in sight. However, other clients reach a point where they sense that they have enough relief and feel prepared for future challenges. Ultimately, I want a timeline that works best for you and I will tailor the counseling process to fit your unique needs.

  • Therapy may be a good fit for you if you are ready to not suffer alone anymore and want someone to validate your pain and walk on your infertility journey with you. You may be afraid of the future and uncomfortable with your feelings, but you’re ready to talk about them and face the discomfort in order to get the help and relief you deserve. You are willing to self-reflect and have an open mind to what you may learn in session about yourself, your experience, and coping with infertility. And you’re ready to do what it takes in session and in your daily life to restore peace and fulfillment in your life.

  • Contact me to schedule a free consultation! During that conversation, I will ask you to briefly describe your infertility experience that brings you to counseling. After I confirm that I believe that I am a good fit for your needs, I will answer any questions or concerns that you may have about starting therapy with me, to make sure you are confident I am right for you! I will then ask for some additional basic information about you, confirm some logistical details, and confirm my current availability for scheduling. Finally, if we are both ready to start the process, we will schedule your first appointment and I will send you the necessary paperwork from my group counseling practice Spirit of Peace Clinical Counseling to complete before that appointment.